Monday 2 February 2015

4 killing financial problems that can harm your sweet relationship

According to a recent research performed by a well known American university that most of the relationships are ending up at divorce due to financial unbalances in their life. Couples harshly argue with each other, and don’t compromise on money matters. And at the end they desperately think to quit this relationship. Financial disagreements are getting so common in our society now; people can recover from other arguments and can enjoy better lifestyles as previously. But financial disagreements do not allow them to make their lifestyles as better as they were living previously.
So today I am presenting these financial problems which can severely harm your relations and it’s very important to recover from these.

1.   Hiding poor spending styles:
If you want someone to trust you, then it’s very important to be transparent with them and share each and every detail to them. When you share your views and everything about you, then your partner will definitely trust and respect you. And when you are in committed relationship then it’s important to discuss financial matter with partner before getting married. So that he/she can understand your status and afford abilities. But if you will hide your status and financial problems from her then definitely you are taking your relationship to devastating stage. And this will involve you in fears of isolation and losing.

2.   Harming partner’s savings:
Sometimes we often indulge in heavy debts and loans, that we are immediately required to repay them in exact date. But if w don’t repay them, and then surely we are involving our self in great troubles. So many partners fear from this situation, and take advantages of partner’s savings. And another partner feels mush ashamed, and sometimes regret of being involved in you. Sometimes couples purchase car and decide to share installments. But if one partner fails to do this, then other gets aggressive and thinks to quit the relationship immediately.

3.   Misusing emergency funds:
Sometimes we often experiencing some bad days of life, which often take us to emergency funds from different credit unions or lending industries. So in this situation, when one partner doesn't use these funds carefully then other argues and figure out that where he spent the money. One can also avoid heavy emergency funding as in return you have to repay higher amounts. So get swift & speedy approvals with least interests because this option will never create any disturbances in the budget and your partner will never argue if you repay the amount in exact time.

4.   Being too much financially controlled:

I have seen mostly couples quarreling because of unfruitful financial decisions. One person makes a budget and asks other to strictly follow it and don’t use a single dollar without needs. If this happens to you then this is an alarming situation for you, because these strict financial dealings are definitely not healthy and create negative image on other person’s mind. I know following budget is important but better is to keep the track with your partner’s consent. And provide some flexibility regarding money. Make some collective financial decisions, and then follow the budget properly. 

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