Friday 19 December 2014

5 items that will carry unreasonable prices in 2015

Wait…! If you are going to the market for buying groceries then I would suggest you to load up your carts with primary foods and olive oil, beefs, chocolates and milk because after few weeks you will face extremely high prices of all necessary items. I was also quite shock to know this fact when I read out the article recently published by US News & World report.
Although we are quite aware about the economy but this sudden increase in prices will definitely compel to enhance their income sources and most of them will feel deprive from all essential needs. Well, I know we have quite amazing financial services like we can get payday loans online with easy interest in just few seconds. And most of the people in US are acquiring the services successfully because they have no other option than this.
Well, I have compiled a list of 5 items that would cost you more than your imagination in 2015… frankly speaking, purpose is not to scare you, it’s just to aware you…!!!

1.   Alcoholic drinks & lattes:
You will be shocked to learn the fact that we are going to face some difficulties in purchasing alcoholic drinks like liquor and mattes due to very high pricing. Actually this is because of the recent drought happened in Brazil which causes steady increase in coffee prices. You will see a high price tag on bourbon as well, because it’s gaining too much popularity in US which means some distilleries are rationing the supplies.

2.   Medical costs:
Rise in medical costs are estimated to increase approximately 6.8%. This is quite unaffordable for mostly people. Might be this is due to the compliance issues with medical health care unit. But I will recommend everyone to shift to affordable health plans and even switch to health insurance costs so that they don’t face any kind of difficulty in their treatment.

3.   High debts: what to do now?
I believe that people might survive and compromise with other rising costs including medical and travel. But what about those on which mostly people depend at month end? Yes I am talking about financial services who are responsible to provide cash in uncertain needs… they are also increasing their interest rates which is quite stressful. But still in this situation I will recommend everyone to choose the affordable service like if they visit for quick loans then I think they will feel much beneficial unlike others because they still provide you your desired money with quite low interest rates.

4.   Travel costs:
Like other primary needs, people will also experience stress while traveling. Now people will have to budget some more money for airline fares and accommodation needs. Increasing number of fliers compelled airlines to raise their travel costs. They will also experience 2.4% increase rates in hotel rooms.

5.   General Delivery costs:
If you have planned to order new LED on Amazon after few weeks, then I would suggest you to order now because you will experience high rates on even snail mail. Shipping prices will approximately increase 5% next year so if you want to buy something online then consider the charges before buying.  But US postage service decides to not increase postage rates from January.

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