Tuesday 23 December 2014

5 money mistakes which need to avoid in 2015

After making budget, I realized one thing that making budget is one thing and then following that budget is second thing…. So unfortunately people like us who commit those serious blunders can never successfully save some amount for hard needs. The matter of fact is we are not enjoying higher economy conditions, in which we can afford to spend ample of money generously, those high priced electricity and gas bills make people hand to mouth at month end. And we can’t afford to enjoy luxuries with limited income. Well, there are some suggestions which are important to follow for avoiding serious money mistakes in next year.

Mistake 1: Avoiding serious medical troubles
First mistake which mostly people commit is to neglect serious health condition is order to save little money. I must say that it’s not only a biggest mistake; in fact it’s a blunder. We certainly spend loads of money on un-necessary things like birthday parties, wedding ceremonies, travelling and much more… but we neglect our health issues which prove quite harmful for our future. And after that we spend double amount on curing that issue.

Mistake 2: Do not considering a reliable source
Second mistake which I also committed in this year that I chose a very expensive lending industry which charged greater interest rates ever. Mostly people experience this fact, but I would suggest everyone that if they want save money then they should get payday loans online with low interest rates which are easy to get and easy to repay than other money options.

Mistake 3: preferring cheap items
This is a most common blunder which people commit, they choose some low and cheap items over valued items just to save single dollar. Just consider that you have a low price item and it got damage just after 2, 3 days then what would you do? Will you again get this by spending extra money on it? Or you would prefer to left over? That’s why I usually recommend everyone to buy the items carefully and do not go for low priced items.

Mistake 4: do not intend to bring positive change
I believe that making a budget is much beneficial thing which saves us from different uncertain troubles. Unfortunately people realized its importance after committing serious blunders. If you want to enjoy trouble free financial free then you must need to intend to bring positive changes. And you can do this by simply tracking your income and making budget.

Mistake 5: do not avoiding costly debts
Costly debts are major reasons to cut your pocket out. Credit cards, business loans, mortgage payments and auto loans made people’s life worst...so for 2015 I am planning to use those low debts services which prove helpful for me.. And no doubt when you apply for a quick loan  which is a best ever process. The application process is quite easy and free which took seconds to approve. This is a very beneficial thing to support everyone in future.

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