Thursday 1 January 2015

5 important To-dos for January home Check list

January- month of longest nights and smallest days, month of reviving home and provide real grace to everything present in your castle... a month to get warmer and feel cozier by applying different refreshing strategies to make your home’s look enchanting. The month that slowly whispers to make new plans for your future, and learn the lessons from your failures… so if you are ready to enjoy a cool start then just take a look at your beautiful castle and start from your home. Here are some cutest ideas to replenish your home’s look and make it more comfortable and relaxing place.

1.   Clean-up the mess and pack decorations:
Christmas and New Year are the occasions that provide real content and people decorate their homes beautifully. But after both events you definitely experience the mess of wrapping papers, jingle bells, and different ornamentation here and there. Now it’s time for thorough cleaning and makes your home refresh again. Pack all the decorations carefully so that you can use them next year without spending any money.

2.   Light up candles & buy flowers:
If you really want to breathe in fresh and lively atmosphere then I would suggest you to bring some beautiful flowers like roses, jasmine, and poinsettias plants. Put them on different corners of home for lively effects. Moreover light up some candles whether battery charged or real, the purpose is just to boost up spirits and provide real enchantment to the home.

3.   Little winter renovation:
Winters are cold season and people do not prefer to move outside usually. So they just want to stay home even for exercise. So if you are living in a cold area where you can’t move out for exercise then better is to put little renovation and make an exercise corner in your home. If you are financially worried then don’t worries a little corner would not take much amount as you have estimated. But if you want to apply for instant online loans then I think it would be much better than other options because it just takes $100-$1500 for little renovation. So buy some mats and rugs and little furniture for yoga or other instruments for weight.

4.   Give a healthier look to your kitchen:
Your kitchen needs some attention in the start of year. Waste all un-necessary items and old vegetables which are un-healthy to use now. You need to put fresh and healthy eatables and clear all unfruitful items from pantry and fridge or wherever you most likely to put. If it’s possible then adding kitchen ornamentation will enhance the overall look.

5.   Put carbon monoxide detectors:
Due to excessive use of heaters and wood fires, we unintentionally allow carbon monoxide and smokes in our houses. Close windows and doors create more exhausting feelings and produce suffocation. Winter is a very special and important time to properly check out those carbon monoxide devices that either they are working or freezing.  Try to change batteries after every 7 days and check the test buttons on devices so that they properly work out and make your area exhaustion free.


  1. flowers dont work for me due to my severe allergies. but i refreshed my house with a new wall paint. looks new, fresh and diffefrent

  2. Oh, well, its also great but if you want further enhancement then you can also apply sweet wallpapers in different rooms :)
