Monday 12 January 2015

Biggest financial lessons I learned from 2014

Everyone wants to enjoy perfect financial health in which he is quite free to make all his big financial decisions regarding home and everything. But yes it’s also true that many of us aren't able to enjoy that financial freedom. We are living in a poor economy era indeed where we are striving for good jobs, where students are working forcefully to pay their hostel fees. So I think these strenuous times teach us a lot and make us strong to fight and learn valuable lessons. I also experienced the same thing last year which I would like to share with all my readers.

Preparations for large purchases:
When we have ample of amounts in our accounts, we feel quite satisfied and do not hesitate to spend it generously. Roaming in markets, buy unnecessary items, hangs-out with friends, pizza parties and dance parties finally make our accounts empty and we have nothing other than regrets. By doing this, we totally forget our aims that we have decided to save for new car or home renovation. So then I learned that better is to save ample of amounts for large purchases instead of spending on useless items.

Use your credits wisely:
Using credit wisely is another thing that makes us better saver. I have seen that many people in fact students use their credit cards in a careless manner. And at the end they have to repay heavy amounts for the whole year. This is careless act to your finance. You can choose different alternatives like I prefer to get payday loans online which are provided by a simple online application form with quite affordable interest rate. So I learned using credit card isn't much better if you have other wonderful options.

Striving for ideal career:
Last year when I was in college, and I was compelled to do 5 hour part time job for catering my educational needs then I learned a lot from different experiences. I always dreamed of for a bright and ideal career. But unfortunately I didn't have such vast resources that help me to fulfill my dream. But I didn't compromise, I strive and did lot of hard work, saved money, got loans and now finally I am able to reach my destination J

Live within the boundaries of your budget:
I completely agree that following budget is a tough thing, especially for youngsters like me. But believe me, if you will not do it, you will suffer badly later on. If your income is limited then make a strict budget, put your primary needs above to secondary and follow the life of your dreams. Then I am sure you will be able to tackle the difficulties easily. If somewhere you need emergency fund for medical or travel excursion, then don’t disturb the budget, hence take quick & trusted services and repay them off whenever you will next get paid. In this way you can run the daily expenditures efficiently and can tackle that uncertain need proficiently. J

Investment plan:

I know it’s difficult to invest heavy amount, in fact I consider it a dangerous risk. But if you want to be successful then you have to take risks. First, invest some amount with a proficient and reliable bank or group of people. Then after getting good results, invest more money for better lifestyle… yes I never experienced that investment plan, but for 2015 I wanted to take that risk because I know it’s a great plan for future indeed.

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